Katchkie Farm is a year-round organic farming operation owned by the NYC-based catering company, Great Performances. Katchkie Farm represents a commitment to celebrating local flavor and an investment in sustainable agriculture. Katchkie, which sits on 60 arcres in Columbia County, NY, yielded its first harvest in 2007. Katchkie supplies a CSA program and farmers market in NYC. In 2011, Katchkie developed the idea of the Corporate CSA and has become a leaser in this quickly developing field. The farm also provides Great Performances with fresh produce for special events and GP’s six cafes.
Katchkie was the inspiration for a line of artisanal products including the acclaimed Katchkie Ketchup, Thunder Pickles, and Katchkie Farm Tomato Jam. A unique resource to Great Performances, the Farm inspired its 100 Mile Menu for which all principal ingredients are sourced fro within a 100-mile radius of New York City. In Addition to the traditional farm, Katchkie also houses The Syliva Center, and educational nonprofit that introduces children to the pleasures and benefits of healthy, sustainable food through farm visits and cooking workshops. Katchkie Farm’s philanthropic role includes committing 5% of its annual harvest to anti-hunger organizations, notably the Hudson Valley Food Bank, City Harvest, and Yorkville Common Pantry.