“String Theory” is a personal portrait project that was started in 2007 after discovering Brian Greene’s best seller “Elegant Universe”. I became fascinated by the philosophy and concept behind this form of physics. It is a series documenting some of the most eminent Theoretical Physicist in the world, including 3 Nobel Prize Laureates. Most are shot on 4x5 film.
Nathan Seiberg I.A.S. Princeton, NJ
Massimo Porrati NYU
Giorgio Parisi - Professor of Physics: University of Rome
Marcela Carena-Fermilab: Batavia, Ill
Bernard Julia - Ecole Normale Superieure Paris, France
Nathan Seiberg I.A.S. Princeton, NJ
Brian Greene - Columbia University New York, NY
Michio Kaku - City University of NY
Cumrun Vafa - Harvard University Cambridge, MA
Joshua Frieman-Fermilab: Batavia, Ill
John Peoples Jr-Former Director of Fermilab: Batavia, Ill
Bernard Julia - Ecole Normale Superieure Paris, France
David Gross - Professor of Physics U.C.S.B. - Nobel Laureate 2004
Pier Oddone-Director of Fermilab: Batavia, Ill
Alvin Tollestrup-Fermilab: Batavia, Ill
Juan Maldacena - Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, NJ
Barton Zwiebach - M.I.T. Cambridge, MA
Martinus Veltman - Nobel Laureate 1999 Paris, France
Andrew Strominger - Harvard University Cambridge, MA
Leon Lederman-Nobel Laureate 1988
Michael Douglas - Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, NJ